Business opportunities from TPMS

Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) became a mandatory fitment on all new cars from November 1 2014. They are also a part of the MOT test for all cars fitted with the technology that were first used on or after January 1 2012.

There are two types of TPMS system. Approx. 35% of the car parc (typically in VAG vehicles) fits Indirect System. The remaining majority of vehicles including BMW, Ford, Hyundai, Kia, Mercedes, Toyota and Vauxhall to name but a few uses Direct Systems.

Direct systems utilise tyre pressure sensors inside the tyre, and there are already millions of these sensors on our roads. They all use batteries, all of which will eventually fail and need replacing. These sensors are also exposed to the environment and often corrode or perish well before the battery calls it a day, providing servicing opportunities.

If you are unsure whether it is the right time to invest in TPMS equipment and what to expect from a TPMS provider. Check out our commercial opportunities video. It explains why you should get involved in TPMS and what the building blocks to a successful programme are as well as key questions to ask of your suppliers.

For a light hearted view on the TPMS supply chain and the challenges and opportunities available to all the key stakeholders, watch our managing director’s relaxed industry presentation.

So Why opt for Autogem?

When it comes to TPMS solutions, Autogem remains the aftermarket’s most forward-thinking specialists, with a comprehensive programme like no other.

We are widely regarded as being industry leaders in TPMS and our knowledge of the market, product quality, training and technical support has positioned us as genuine innovators. As a business we are often invited to deliver industry presentations and interviews on TPMS, whether this be at trade shows, conferences, road shows and even podcasts. Click here for a selection.

In 2007 the Think TPMS, Think Autogem programme was born as we began selling replacement oe sensors and service kits. In 2012 we launched our revolutionary i-sensor®, the UK’s leading replacement sensor which is today used by over 3500 workshops nationwide.

Over the years, our TPMS dealings with most of the largest and respected tyre retailers in the UK has given us a wealth of experience. We draw from it to develop outstanding products, an incredible support base as well as an even more comprehensive level of customer training.

Not only are our advanced yet easy to use products leading the way, but our online, onboard, on paper and on phone support solutions combine to empower customers and make their lives easier, including bespoke training, a NTDA-certified e-learning course and supporting documentation and videos.

Our overarching company philosophy is to assist our customers with industry-leading solutions which can:

⏱️ Save time

? Improve consumer engagement

? Increase revenue streams

We have put together everything you need to drive repeat business and to be considered a TPMS expert

Who benefits from TPMS

In simple terms, our aim is to make TPMS painless for everyone.

Business owners

Will enjoy exclusive patented TPMS technology, competitive pricing and minimal stock holding Our highly experienced roll out team are there to ensure all the building blocks and reporting is available to ensure success.


Are then empowered to take the appropriate action when required, armed with the skills and knowledge as a result of our training and the extensive support available.

Vehicle owners

Benefit from enhanced TPMS engagement from their chosen tyre retailer as a result of the professional sales training and the tried and tested sensor solution we provide to our installer partners.

Our TPMS programme – and associated training and support solutions – covers all three areas. We’re sure that by choosing Autogem, you’ll be opting for a more profitable future for your business.

We would love for you to put our friendly team and comprehensive solutions to the test.

Click here to arrange an online consultation with one of our TPMS experts

Click above to arrange an online consultation with one of our TPMS experts or simply call 0208 838 0910 selecting option 1 for sales.